Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Plan for rain

Image: Susan Schwake

Children of the Polka - Children of the Wave

This being Chicago and me being half German, I've obviously heard and, more importantly, witnessed--in all its pink petticoated glory--polka. Trust me, this isn't polka proper. Generated by a clutch of conceptual-minded Australians, it's more like hearing polka's lusty shuffle and twirl through a thick wall as it bleeds into the lackadaisical murmur around you, winds through the hiss and sputter of espresso machine, clings to a car slow-rolling by with its windows down, pouring its sweet syrup of country radio onto the sidewalk. "Polka" is the most "pop" song on Children of the Wave's album, but if you like experimental folk with stretches of ambient and field recordings (who doesn't, you ask!) you'll be quite pleased with it, I think.

From Carapace (eMusic), Myspace

I Lost My Colour Vision - Burning Hearts

So that last track wasn't for everyone. But I don't even want to know you if you don't immediately love--or can't come to love--this song. Seriously: Don't ever speak to me again. Sounding for all the world like Swedish popsters, Burning Hearts are, in fact, Finns. Finns who memorized the Magnetic Fields' giddy, gaudy and oh-so-melancholy The Wayward Bus and perform it back at twice the tempo.

From Alboa Sleeping (Amazon), Myspace


Blogger C. said...

Burning Hearts--meh.

Just kidding, A! Very good stuff.

8:48 AM  
Blogger Charles said...

I've been listening to that Burning Hearts record all week. It's quite good.

2:01 PM  
Blogger Kendra Zvonik said...

Children of the Wave- love your description. Although, I didn't really hear the polka, I did hear the images you described. movie soundtrack music.
The myspace tunes reminded me of Sigur Ros.
Love Burning Hearts- maybe it's my Finnish blood. They just make me happy like Stereolab makes me happy. comforting and sweet alone music. Thanks Amy!

10:54 AM  
Blogger Kalman said...

I really, really like "Colour Vision". I like it in the way that I could see myself loving it, but I've been burned by love before, so I tread carefully.

6:48 PM  

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